The Bullet Train That We Call Life

So… it’s been a while hasn’t it? When I tell you that the last couple of months have had me round in a tail spin, I honestly feel like I’ve never been so busy in…

A Reflection

It’s difficult to know what to write when everything has been going so fast. If you asked me in January whether I felt truly happy- I would have lied to your face and said yes.…

Stress: My Best & Worst Friend.

If there is a thing to be said on what I’ve been up to in the last couple of weeks, it’s that I’ve put an awful lot on my plate. Whilst I find myself to…

January 2021: The Month of Apathy.

So apparently this is my first post in 2021, which is madness because first of all, what a mess of a year so far, and also- where did the time go?! If I could summarise…


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